The Types of Drilling Work
Drilling operations utilize rotating cutting tools of various shapes and sizes. The following operations are included in drilling operations:
- Drilling – making rounded holes of various diameters in metal. The depth of the holes may vary according to the customer's desire.
- Drilling – making rounded holes in metal of various diameters.
- Reaming – enlarging the diameter of an existing hole.
- Countersinking – enlarging the diameter of an existing hole.
- Countersinking – a more advanced operation than reaming, also aimed at increasing the diameter and depth of the hole. It allows you to get a better surface finish.
- Countersinking – a more advanced operation than reaming.
- Countersinking and counterboring – machining the hole and giving it the desired shape. It is used for countersunk sockets for bolts, screws and rivets.
- Countersinking – machining the hole and shaping it to the desired shape.
- Reaming – the final machining of the hole to make the surface smoother.
- Socketing – the final machining of the hole to make the surface smoother.